Taking part in physical activity has proven itself to have an enormous impact on one’s health. While engaging these activities can have a positive effect on one’s lifestyle, there is one aspect of training that people often forget. Stretching the muscles is essential to maximizing one’s workout or playing sports. It is easy to overlook, but the impact is great and the reasons for them can shed more light on how it can impact the body when it is undergoing tremendous exercise. Here are four reasons as to why you need to stretch before playing sports or engaging in any exercise.
1. Improves Range of Motion
There are various kinds of exercises that can improve the range of motion for the human body, but doing it right before exercising enhances this capability even more. When you go an extended period of time without stretching or immobile altogether, the muscles become stiff. That is why many have a natural reflex to stretch as soon as they wake up from a nap. Enhancing the unrestricted movement of muscles and joints that are key for the body to be mobile is essential. Specific body parts that you will want to target during your pre-workout regimen are the shoulders and the hips.
2. Reduces Risk of Injury
The jury is still out on this tidbit in terms of evidence, but preliminary findings have proven to be encouraging in that stretching can help reduce the chance that one suffers from an injury during physical activity. Specific stretches are used to increase the temperate of the body’s core, and as a result, properly prepare it for the swift movements that are to come. As a result of this, stretching can be important to reduce the risk of common sports injuries such as the rupture, spraining or straining of numerous tendons and muscles in the body.
3. Improves Blood Circulation
The function of the heart is to supply an adequate amount of blood throughout the entire body, properly nourishing it with the oxygen that it requires. With regular stretching and flexibility training, this blood flow and circulation can increase to a great degree. This allows for great transportation of nutrient and oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. This will especially come in handy when you are engaging in prolonged physical activities that may require extra stamina such as track and field. Dr. Gregg Schellack contains plenty of valuable resources on the cardiovascular system and how it can impact one’s health altogether.
4. Improves Health
While improving health comes with any form of physical activity, stretching prior to exercising gives you added benefits. Dr. Gregg Schellack advises that stretches from the mid-body can help to regulate breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. This acts in direct contradiction to the body’s natural reaction to stress and tension on the muscles.
As you can see, there is tremendous significance when it comes to stretching right before you engage in exercise or sports activities. While many may overlook stretching as a mundane task, consider stretching a part of your workout and you will be able to see the results be reflected in your physical fitness, wellness, and overall health.